Expanded report card

As part of the Corey H settlement, parents of special education students get more than their children’s grades when they pick up their report cards. They also get an explanation of their children’s progress in meeting the goals of their Individualized Educational Plans (IEP).

“Instead of seeing that their child received a C in reading, parents will get more details like, Your child has mastered 75 percent of the spelling words at this grade level,” says Geneva Oatman, a special education administrator. “This supplement should be very specific and chart progress on a quarterly basis.”

Margaret Wiseheart, an intermediate teacher at Cuffee Elementary in Auburn Gresham, says she likes the new supplement because it helps her stay focused on her students’ needs. “Since we’ve been using it, I have to ask myself, ‘Has this child mastered this goal? By how much?’ It forces me to look at the IEP every quarter and analyze it. It also requires me to give more thought to my grading. It’s like a little diary. The old report card was really not adequate for special students.”

Ethel Riley, a parent whose daughter goes to Morgan Elementary in Auburn Gresham, agrees. “It’s informative, because those checks and grades didn’t tell me much. But this new way, it tells me in black and white how my child is doing. For instance, if her behavior is not good, it spells it out. I take the time to read the supplement; I only scanned her grades.”

Colette Floyd, another Morgan parent, thinks such reporting could benefit all students. “I think all children should get one, not just special education students, because it breaks things down for parents and gives a lot of details about how our kids are doing.”

Debra Williams

School check list|

School staff, the principal and the local school council at our school are well informed about the Least Restrictive Environment mandate.

Teachers and the principal at our school have the training and skills to provide effective education for students with disabilities in the Least Restrictive Environment.

Students with disabilities at our school are provided with extra supports and services needed to learn (such as teacher aides and computers with specialized software), regardless of whether the student is in the regular class or a special class.

Supports for students in the Least Restrictive Environment are determined based on individual student needs, not on the availability of personnel or predictions about what the central office will approve.

Students with disabilities are taught the regular educational curriculum, whether the student is in the regular class or a special class. This may include modifying the regular curriculum to meet individual student needs.

Students with disabilities are given access to and support in programs (such as vocational programs, field trips, science labs, art, music and Chapter I programs) that are available to non-disabled students in our school, both during the school day and after school.

IEP (Individualized Education Plan) decisions about Least Restrictive Environment for children with disabilities are made on an individual basis. The regular class is the first choice for all students, and the reasons for placing a child in a separate class are clearly spelled out.

IEPs specify how each student’s progress in meeting annual goals will be monitored and assessed.

Students with disabilities are making appropriate educational progress from year to year.

Source: Designs for Change

For more information

Corey H. Clearinghouse

Information and assistance for parents and educators. Anita Jackson,

(800) 573-1800.

Chicago Public Schools

Information and assistance or to file a complaint. Sue Gamm, (773) 553-1800.

Family Resource Center on Disabilities

(312) 939-3513.

Illinois State Board of Education

For information or to file a complaint. Gordon Riffel, (217) 782-4826.

National Center for Latinos with Disabilities

(773) 666-3393.

Corey H. Monitor’s Office

To inform the court monitor about a Least Restrictive Environment problem at your school that affects more than one student. (312) 988-6568.

Family T.I.E.S. Network

(217) 544-5809.

Parent Training and Information Centers

Information and training for parents and teachers. Designs for Change,

(312) 857-9292.

Family Resource Center on Disabilities

Information and resources for parents of disabled children. Charlotte Desjardins,

(800) 952-4199.

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